Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day Two of March, 2012 roadtrip: Nasty day in Port Townsend, Wash.

DAY TWO: March 15, 2012
Here's my one minute video for Day Two of my West Coast roadtrip. I recorded this in the motorhome because it was too nasty outside to even step out. My campsite is on a point of land right along Puget Sound. I am surrounded by water on both sides of the motorhome and the front. The beach is about 20 feet away and the water another 20 feet. But, alas, it's a mutt ugly day out there -- gusty, howling winds and rain blowing sideways. And it's cold. But all is okay because I am toasty in the motorhome, where I will work today finishing this week's newsletter.


  1. We sat out hurricane Charlie in our home. I know the feeling listening to wind as it tears pieces of your home away. I was hoping the storm ended before we ran out of pieces. In a motor home, 50 mph wind has to be frightening. At least our floor wasn't moving.

  2. That kind of weather helps you appreitate beautiful, Sunny weather.Along Puget Sound is a great place to be when it is calm and sunny.May you be Blessed with calm Sunny weather on the rest of you trip!

  3. I love Fort Worden Park, have spent many many wonderful days there. I have camped on the circle you are in and the wind there is normally pretty active. I normally camp around the corner and try to get into camp #8. I back my Alpenlite rear lounge into the site and have a wonderful view of the sound out my huge picture window. There are miles of wonderful trails there - enjoy.

  4. Chuck

    One thing about it, you can pack up and leave if you have to. Enjoy while you can

    Thanks for the great news


  5. ductratputiciaWe rode out Hurricane Rita in a travel trailer! We were about 120 miles inshore from where Rita came ashore, but she was still full of fury when she got to us. Luckily, we were in the lee of a couple of buildings. It is something to go thru. Hope you have better weather for the rest of your trip.

  6. Had the same experience in that campground but our two young sons were in a tent next to the rv. The tent shredded in the gale!!! Thewbje

  7. Enjoy it - life is short - wish I were there!

  8. Been there done that. IN A BOAT TOO!! and a fifth wheel. I am from Anacortes so have seen lotsa weather like that in my youth there.
    If you get blown down to San Jose, stop and visit.
    Bebop Bill Forrest
