Thursday, March 15, 2012

Seagulls in the sun

MARCH 15, 1 P.M. -- A flock of seagulls is sunning themselves near my motorhome. Every minute, a few come and go, but the populatIon remains the same. They have been flying over and near my motorhome all morning. They coast sometimes, wings spread, gliding with the wind. It looks so effortless, and I bet it is.

Some people do not like seagulls, but I do. I think they are cute. They can make a lot of noise, yes, and that can be obnoxious. But that is not enough for me to not like them.

Here is a fact about seagulls that you will find surprising. On the roads of Iceland, seagulls are the main roadkill. When I was there last fall, I came across many of them, some still alive, but mortally wounded. They looked at me sadly when I stopped in my campervan. But I could do nothing. I felt bad just leaving them there to die.

I would trade my life for a seagulls life, but probably only for a few hours. I would just like to fly for awhile. I have a serious case of fly envy -- always have, always will.

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