Sunday, February 21, 2010

Monster centipedes along the highway

What does this look like to you? To me it looks like a long centipede. Or maybe some kind of monster. These huge sprinklers are everywhere in farm country.

Friday, February 19, 2010

An RV campsite too good to be true

I'd really liked to be camped here. This photo appears in an ad promoting RVing by the Recreation Vehicle Industry Association. I believe that in my life I have camped in at least 2,000 campgrounds. Most were non-descript RV parks. Some were in National Parks and National Forests, and pretty. Others were in the middle of nowhere -- sort of like in this photo, but not nearly as super spectacular.

I don't think I have ever found a campsite as gorgeous as the one in this ad. For one thing, I don't see a road anywhere. So how the heck did the RV get in? And, as an ex-fire fighter (long ago) I can tell you that the ranger might not be happy about the blazing campfire surrounded by high and probably dry grass.

I wish there were a lot of beautiful, remote places like this to camp that didn't require having your RV dropped in by a helicopter. But I suppose showing a scene like is better for selling RVs than showing a cramped RV park, which is an all-too-common sight.