Thursday, June 30, 2011

The monster in my motorhome!

One evening, I was reading peacefully in my motorhome. All of a sudden, I looked up from my book and there it was -- a monster! Yes, this is true. Lucky for me, my video camera was at my side so I was able to document this surprise visit. If you care to see the monster and then learn where it appeared from, all you need to do is click the 30-second video. Be prepared to be amazed.


  1. Good one - next you'll be taking up ventriloquism.

  2. That was mean to make me watch that.) hahaha.

  3. It was obviously a shadow but of what?? had to watch the video to find out..cute, chuck!

  4. Journeyin Lady -- Nope, doesn't take much to entertain me. That's good when you spend a lot of time on the road alone. . . - Chuck W.
