Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sometimes you just get lucky

Click on the photo to see a larger image.
I spent some time walking on the beach today at Washington's Ocean City State Park. The sun was shining, with no wind, and I was all alone -- glorious solitude -- just me and a mile of gorgeous beach to the north and the south. And that was what I could see! I'm sure it kept going.

As I approached the shoreline I saw a bunch of sea birds on the ground in the distance and figured as I got closer they'd fly off. So with a strong telephoto lens in my point-and-shoot camera ready to snap, I walked farther up the beach. Even though I was a distance from them, they got spooked and took off. And this is my photo. Sometimes you just get lucky! Click on the photo to see a bigger image.


  1. Be careful, If YOU approached THEM and caused them to take flight, the birders will claim you are harassing the birds and you are subject to fines and imprisonment, the environmentalists will claim you are tromping on their nests and close the beach to all. I know, I've seen it happen at Cape Hatteras, NC.

  2. On the brighter side, the photo would make a fantastic jigsaw puzzle! I've done this through Kodak Gallery to make memorable gifts. I'm sure other on-line services can do this as well.

  3. I would certainly think and hope that the first post is tongue-in-cheek! If not, sorry you have such a twisted and unrealistic viewpoint of "environmentalists"! Have never heard of any enfironmental group take that position.

    Great shot Chuck. I had considered getting a pocket sized digital camera for such occasions and when I don't have my larger one with me. I then remembered that I have an 8 megapixel camera on my Android and it even has a zoom! Saved some money but still feel like I am on the uphill swing of the technology curve!

    Sorry to hear that you have to return to Seattle and cut your trip short. Hope everything works out.

  4. There are always extremists on both sides of any issue A Google search will give you examples of beach closures and other extreme measures taken by right thinking people . Your credibility is lost when you state that he has a "twisted and unrealistic view point"
