Saturday, November 11, 2006

Bragging about grandchildren

A car ahead of me today had a license frame that said, "My grandchildren are cuter than yours." Now why would anybody make such a stupid public admission? Everybody is proud of their grandchildren and most think they are as cute as can be. What does a person who advertises such a slogan hope to accomplish? Is to make others laugh? If I were a grandparent, I would be offended if I came upon this slogan. I would want to drive up alongside the driver, roll down my window and say, "No your grandchildren are not cuter than mine!" Don't ever put such a message on your bumper. If someone gives you such a license plate frame as a gift, put it on the wall in your den, but not on your car.


  1. It is only an expression, no need to get upset over a license plate holder.


  2. Chuck, by the time you are a grand parent you will understand. These folks are just proud of their grand kids and think comments like this are cute. Once a guy I know was so proud of this new daughter that he said, "not because she's mine but I think that is the prettiest baby I've ever seen". Of course, I understood.
