Friday, November 7, 2008

Why you cannot please everyone

You cannot please everyone. You can please many people, but you cannot please everybody, except maybe every once in awhile. Sometimes you can be very kind, but people will get mad at you. You may ask "How can that be?" Here is an example:

Think about the last time you were in your car in a crowded parking lot. Perhaps it was at a sporting event or movie. Usually, everybody will leave all at once. That creates a traffic jam when drivers need to squeeze out of two or maybe three exits.

Some drivers will butt in while others will wait to be let into an exit lane. But, all in all, it's basically a free-for-all.

Now here is where you can be a good person and a bad person at the same time. The driver you let in line in front of you will think you are very kind. He or she might even smile or wave a hand to thank you. Maybe you are feeling especially generous and let in another car. Now you are extra nice, right?

No. Because the drivers in the cars behind you will think you are a creep for letting cars in ahead of them. Now, they just have to wait longer to get home, which does not make them happy. Waiting in a parking lot is not fun. It's boring. And those people behind you will not be happy at all when you just make them wait longer.

This is just one instance when you cannot please everyone, even if you think you are being kind.


  1. Here in Hawaii on the Island of Oahu, we are much nicer I have noticed. Go ahead enjoy the wave from the driver in front of you, let in a car or two.
    The islands laid back lifestyle acknowledges that we can be either behind you, or asking you to let us in.
    Sometimes, with all the big extended families it could be Auntie Tutu or Unca Buba wouldn't want to honk at them and be disrespectful, if you were you would hear about it for the rest of your life!
    Easier just to be laid back and let them all in...


  2. This happened to me at Indy races several years back. I wasn't prepared for the long lines and a man let me infront of him and so I soon did the same. The one behind me jumped out and told me I was crazy because he saw I was out of state and the one I let in was local and could have been there an hour or 2 sooner. Can't please all.

  3. You are so right about that, being in the people business, I have tried my hardest to please people.Finally gave up as the more you do the more they want and expect.
    By the way i have enjoyed your Journal and travels.
