Tuesday, August 25, 2015

It's frustrating to be unable to visit people who invite me

A lot of people invite me to stop by their homes when I am in their area. Some offer me a guest room or an RV hookup in their yards.  Others write to tell me how disappointed they are when they learn I was near them but did not call or visit.

I feel bad about not stopping. I would really like to. It's just that I don't have enough time to see everything as is (trying to go from coast to coast and back in four months). If I visit someone, I feel I really do need to VISIT and not just stop by for an hour and then fly out the door. That would be rude.

Maybe it would be better for me to just pick out one state, tour for a couple of months, and visit everyone there who would like me to stop. That would be a lot more manageable, although being an introvert and needing ample quiet time to "recharge," I would still probably need five or six months.

On this trip, with about four months to work with and about 10,000 miles to cover, there isn't much time to socialize. In between driving and the places I visit, I need to write and attend to business chores. That takes a lot of time.

I know by not visiting the people who invite me that I miss a lot of wonderful experiences and opportunities to make new friends. If only we could somehow extend our days from 24 hours to 34 hours. That would help a lot!


  1. I know how you feel, Chuck! We have that problem on our short jaunts with the trailer. Not enough time to see everyone, but we have learned the value of meeting at a local eatery for a couple of hours. Full-time rv'ing would also certainly solve that problem, not so much of a schedule.

    Really love reading your posts. So envious that you will get to see Nova Scotia! Enjoy!

  2. People should understand you have a short time to travel and see what you want. There is no way you can spend much time visiting in each area. We do very little visiting we want to travel and do what we want to do. We even felt funny when we stopped by your facility in 2012 on our way to Alaska because its something we just don't normally do. You should not have to explain your actions. They can always come by and visit at a show.

  3. Well, one way to look at it is you are by default sorta well known and ok sorta popular. You can only give of yourself so much. While it is an honor no doubt to receive so many well intention-ed invites, you are more aware of what you can and cannot do. Maybe it's like answering the phone when it rings? You can answer if you so desire or not answer. No ill intent to the caller. You can only do just so much.
    Anyway. Keep on'a traveling. We're reading after you.
