Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Cheesy lights in the campground

It's 9:30 p.m. and dark. A fifth wheel trailer a few campsites from me is glowing various colors. A string of small LED lights hangs below the awning up against the RV. They change colors, one color turning into another. They are blue, then green, then yellow, orange, red and back to blue. 

From my RV, you can't actually see the lights, just the glow. From inside the fifth wheel it must resemble the interior of a cheap motel room with the blinking lights of its sign interrupting the dark.

Why do people do this? I am in a beautiful New York State Park along Lake Ontario. Why does the owner of this RV feel the need to light up his RV in such a cheesy way?

I don't get it. It looks stupid.


  1. I have three sets of those awning-hanging colored lights. I've been carrying them around the country in our motor home for eight years, waiting for an appropriate festive occasion to display them. That time may never come.

  2. Right up there with pink flamingos and other gaudy yard art.

  3. You will be seeing more and more of these lights. In todays Daily Tips you have and article promoting Boogey Lights. I have been in parks where rigs have flood lights shining on their flags. They are so bright we don't need streets lights. What happened to dark quite RV Parks? I guess they are becoming a thing of the past.
