Friday, February 23, 2007

Postcard of the week: Jackalopes!

You can't travel far in the rural American West without running into a jackalope. Oh, you won't see one in the wild too often, but you'll see plenty in person at roadside trading posts (otherwise known as tourist traps), and on about a dozen popular postcards. At Wall Drug in Wall, South Dakota, you can even sit right atop a huge 'lope (undoubtedly raised on powerful steroids) and get your picture taken. Jackalopes, in case you don't know, are a cross between a jackrabbit and an antelope. The only time you will likely run into one is after closing time at a rural tavern when they often howl in pairs. Some folks say they sound like Roy Rogers and Dale Evans singing a duet. And here's another little-known fact about jackalopes: they only mate during lightning storms. Now, how about that?


  1. "they only mate during lightning storms."

    Must be why we don't see many here in the Northwest, not enough lightning storms :)

  2. "a cross between a jackrabbit and an antelope." with mule deer antlers. Hey, ya want to go "snipe" hunting here in the southwest? They only come out on dark, cloudy nights.

  3. Actually touched 2 Jackalopes in the "Pioneer Tent & Awning" Sporting goods store in 1947 in Boise, Idaho.
