Saturday, June 13, 2009

The disappearing blue mailboxes

Have you noticed that mailboxes like this one have disappeared from most street corners? They were once all over the place in most big cities and suburbs. Even in the good ol' days you'd seldom find one in a tiny town because the post office was usually a short walk from about anywhere. In my town of Edmonds, Wash., I first noticed the public mailboxes disappearing a couple of years ago. Then, last week, one of the few that remained disappeared, one I would use to drop off a letter on my way home from work.

I guess the postal folks have decided that people can either use their home mailbox or drop by the post office. It's probably a money-saving move -- fewer stops for mail carriers.

Keep an eye on your town's blue mailboxes. If they are not gone yet, I bet it won't be long.

1 comment:

  1. WE of the local American Legion Post are trying to find one of those corner mail drop boxes for a project of ours. We would paint it red, white and blue and label it as a retired American Flag Drop for patriotic disposal of American flags. We are not having much luck. Any ideas of how we can find a retired mail box would be a great help.
