Thursday, October 23, 2008

Truck with with funny (but true!) message

I followed this truck for a few miles on I-5 in Northern California. I liked the passing instructions printed on the back. Just in case you can't see the photo clear enough to read those instructions, here is what they say. The message on the green sign, which directs you to pass on the left, says "Passing Zone." The other sign, in red, points to the right and says "Suicide Zone." It's nice to see a truck with a sense of humor.


  1. I have been driving since the mid 1950's. I was always told that the righjt side is the passing side, the left side was the suicide..So that's not anything new.

  2. A few years ago, while on a long trip out West my late husband & I saw an 18-wheeler that had a little door for the fire extinguisher on the side of his cab, AND this trucker had painted "Fire Putter Outter" on his truck. We laughed every time we thought of this trucker's great sense of humor.

  3. I've always seen that as: "--> passing side <-- suicide"
