Thursday, October 30, 2008

Searching for a baseball bat for my RV

I was searching through a sporting goods store the other day for a baseball bat, not to play with but to use to smack against my RV tires to make sure they aren't flat. But do you know what I learned? I learned that it is hard to find a wooden bat. At least nine out of ten these days are made of aluminum. The wooden bat, it seems, is going the way of the wooden golf club and the wooden tennis racket. This is good for the aluminum industry and bad for the wood industry. It is proof, once again, that one's person's loss is another person's gain.


  1. Go to a truck stop. They have small wooden bats called "Tire Thumpers". Works on tires or people.

  2. Chuck,

    Check out a truck stop. They have short bats just for that purpose, and then you won't have to find a place to store a long baseball bat.

  3. Try subscribing to the
    Deluth Trading Company catalog. One of their items is a "Tire Thumper".

    BF, Trail Manor

  4. I know... I am a little late to the party but:

    Where did you get the idea that "thumping" a tire is a desirable method of determining the pressure?

    See, for example,
