Saturday, January 26, 2008

Catholic Church does double duty

The Catholic Church in Trinidad, Calif., is very pretty. But it is unusual, I think, because not only does it offer Catholic services, but a Sunday Episcopalian service as well. That's what it says on its sign. Do other churches do this? I wonder.


  1. Yes, in nearby Arcata, CA, the Immanuel Luthern Church on East 16th Street, within walking distance of Humboldt State University, is home to the Catholic Newman Community of HSU. Mass is said there every Sunday during the school semester. The Newman Center, however, is located in a separate building at 11th and Union in Arcata. Good will between people of differing church affiliations is alive and well in this friendly college town. Come visit us for the annual "Godwit Days," "Oyster Festival," and "Kinetic Sculpture Race," as well as our community forest, plaza centered downtown, and world renowned Arcata Marsh where the environment takes first place. In fact, Arcata is one of the most environmentally aware places in which to live. Prominent here also are opportunities for the enjoyment of music, theatre, and art of all kinds--whether you prefer to observe or participate. Come see us soon. The information center is located just off Highway 101 and Giuntoli Road at the north end of town. There are many beautiful campgrounds near Arcata, both private and public. See you soon!

  2. Yes, in Juno Ak. an historic Episcopal church were burned down last year. it's service is being conducted in a Church one more block above the street which is a Catholic church!
