Monday, January 22, 2007

Why a campground went bust

Sometimes when you drive around the countryside as I do in an RV, you come across interesting things. Daa! How stupid is that statement? Of course you come across interesting things! Anyway, one day I spotted this sign for a trailer park that was up for sale, as you can plainly see by the sign on the sign. As any junior college business student will tell you, there is a simple reason why this park went belly up: RVers just drove thru instead of paying to stay the night! If I owned an RV park I would call it the "Stay Overnight or a Week Park," and not the "Drive-Thru Park." The owner of this place was stupid and if you don't agree then I urge you to never open a business.

1 comment:

  1. The owner didn't know how to spell "drive" either.
