Saturday, January 13, 2007

My experiences with marshallows

I don't buy marshmallows at home. But when I take an RV trip, I always buy marshmallows. I cannot take a trip with my 15-year-old daughter without bringing along marshmallows. That would be a sin.

I have two special marshmallow roasting devices that I bought at an RV park for about a dollar each. They have a wooden handle and a long, very slender metal rod. You slide the marshmallow over the rod, and then roast the marshmallow over a campfire. You must roast marshmallows over a fire. You can't do it over a stove or you would be cheating. That would be like microwaving a steak.

I know a little bit about marshmallows because I once visited a marshmallow factory. It was near Las Vegas. You could take a self-guided tour. Behind glass walls you could see marshmallows being made. Workers wore white uniforms. Almost everything else was white.

I wrote about my visit to the factory. Ever since, when someone types in marshmallow into a search engine, my story comes up. So I get letters from all over the world from people who want me to distribute their marshmallows in the USA. Go figure!

The marshallow factory was next door to a factory that made rocket fuel. One day, the rocket fuel exploded. Boom!!! Marshmallow slop went flying everywhere. Bye bye marshmallow factory. I don't think anyone was hurt.

Believe it or not, marshmallows should not be eaten by vegetarians. Marshmallows are made mostly of sugar, corn syrup and egg whites, but commercial brands also use a gelling agent, which is derived from animal hides or bones.

How about that?


  1. I took my three small children to that Marshmellow Factory in Las Vegas years ago. It was quite interesting and don't forget about the chocolate factory nearby also.

  2. Want a special treat? Try roasting Peeps. But watch them carefully, the sugar coating can burn fast.
