Thursday, June 3, 2010

Taking a break from the bad news

I've spent quite a bit of time lately in front of my TV watching baseball games and the NBA playoffs. I've also cut back my time at the computer. I've been watching sports because I am so upset with the news headlines these days about the awful Gulf oil spill, terrorists who think killing innocent people is the way to prove they are right and everyone else is wrong, and greedy corporate executives.

I'm especially weary of the massive, seemingly endless discussion on TV, on blogs, and in comments on Web postings about these things and who's to blame, which usually boils down to Bush or Obama.

If you are like me and get much of your news on the Internet, then you are constantly bombarded by reader comments that are often from people who in past years would have probably voiced their opinions to a few friends at most. Now they can blast away from the privacy of their home computers -- their inflammatory words unedited and typically anonymous.

I've started reading a daily newspaper again. I find it refreshing. The editors filter out intelligent comments from those from people who have a chip on their shoulder and/or who exhibit their stupidity with comments that would be laughable if they weren't so mean-spirited or ignorant.

I've never been a huge sports fan, but now, as a break from the dreadful news of the day, attending a game or watching one on TV is a pleasant way to escape for a few hours. I am also turning off my computer on Sundays -- and what a breath of fresh air that has provided.


  1. I'm with you, Chuck. At times the world seems to be a messed-up, mean-spirited place these days. I can't get away from it. I read news on the radio to earn a living. But I leave it there. I never watch TV news and don't even get a newspaper. I just want to look at family photos and think about my next road trip.

  2. Same Here, I have been watching and enjoying the NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs, or go hide in my wood shop. and remolding my bathroom. Have also made lot of nice things for my 5th wheel. I check the news once a week and that is plenty for me. To depressing. Who did what to who etc? It's amazing how they get stuck on one issue and pound it into the ground. Also there are a lot of things we can volunteer for and help others out.
    Been a volunteer for Hospice for 7yrs with my therapy dog. Now that makes you count your blessings and is rewarding.
    God Bless

  3. While I, too, don't like all the bad news, we can't "run away" for too long, or we'll allow more loons to ruin the world. We have to stand up for what we believe in, and then maybe the news won't be so depressing. Now back to my camping trip!!!
