That's me in the most unusual RV I have ever driven. Yes, it's the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile. When you drive this vehicle, people stare. Actually, this is an RV, well. . . sort of. You could sleep inside if you wanted, and there is lots of space (used to store a bazillion wiener whistles in the Wienermobile I drove), but there is no stove, bathroom or kitchen sink. So maybe it isn't a very good RV.
I only drove it for a few blocks. It was no big deal: it drove like a regular motorhome. But a lot more people watched me go by than when I drive my RV. If you ever get a chance to drive a Wienermobile, you should do it.
Great photo! Driving the Wienermobile is quite an honor! Check out our blog for more of our adventures from the road.