Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Is this, was this, a real girl?

This is not a girl, but a doll. I spotted it in a Snohomish, Wash., antique store. Don't you think a real girl modeled for this doll? The face is too different from most dolls, and who would ever think up such a face?

I didn't buy the doll, just took a picture.

If the doll is based on a real girl, then who was she? I have a big urge to find out. Maybe someone will read this and tell me. It would be great to find out, and then meet the girl, who would probably be a senior citizen by now, as I think this doll must be pretty old.

As I starred at this doll, I wondered what it would be like if someone created a doll that looked just like your own daughter or sister or someone close to you -- or even you when you were young. What if you were in a store -- like I was in Snohomish, and you turned a corner and there it was -- a doll that looked just like you or your daughter when she was young? It would be eerie -- a Twilight Zone kinda experience.

This kind of thing can happen. I don't want to find a doll that looks like my daughter when she was little. Well, maybe I do now that I think about it. I'd buy it, for sure. I know that.


  1. Actually, there is a company that makes dolls "just like" your

  2. Actually there was a Twilight Zone show years ago about a girl that ran into the woods with her doll and chanted something and she became the doll & the doll became a real girl. It was creepy.

  3. The doll is by Ashton Drake Galleries...she is called hanging out with Hannah..i think she was made about 4 or 5 years ago.
