Friday, November 5, 2010

I am water and so are you

It's been a long day of writing. A little earlier, almost done with my weekly newsletter, I needed a break. So I plopped down on my couch for a brief nap. My couch is way too comfortable to be in close proximity to my home office. It always temps me. "Chuck, come over here, lay yourself down and I will comfort you." That is what it says. Okay, that is not what it says. But that is what it could say if it were alive.

But being alive is what I want to write about. On that couch, in my pre-nap state, I became very aware of the pleasing sound of my small water fountain. It's a very nice sound. A soothing sound. I started thinking about why I liked it so much. Then I thought, "I know." It's because it's water!" And I knew then, as I still know, that I am made of about 60 percent water. I don't look like water or feel like water, but Wikipedia says I am 60 percent water, so I am pretty sure I am, really and truly, a water kinda guy. Actually, I'm basically a big glob of water. And it should be very apparent to me because I know from experience that when I get hot I begin to ooze out of myself. I believe that some times I have gone from 60 percent water to perhaps 58 percent water.

I have always wondered why people spend tons of money for a house with a view of water -- the ocean, a lake, even a stream. I think they must simply take great pleasure in looking at the same thing that they are made of even though it looks nothing at all like them.

I like the ocean and lakes and streams and beautiful water falls, and I even like my little gurgling, $25 water fountain. I think now the reason I like water is because I am water, well at least most of me except maybe bones.


  1. We are indeed made of water, with other ingredients mixed in that make us very similar to the ocean. I also find it very soothing, especially in rivers. I think I can guess why. Water is an absolute necessity to life, and humans only learned to move large amounts of it a few thousand years ago. It's still very reassuring to know that we have plenty right in front of us.

  2. From one drip to another how true it is and how so very profoundly stated.

  3. Yup, you might say it's silly but some of the most silly things are profound.

  4. You are right. My husband and I love the water too as I think most people do. There is an old theory out there that we all love water because we came from the womb which is surrounded water (amniotic fluid). Those sounds are familiar to us and we know them from birth. I like that theory too. Fresh water, salt water, it doesn't matter there is something soothing about it. Think it goes back to basic elements of the earth. I enjoyed reading your thoughts on it.
