Monday, March 15, 2010

Motorhome is a dinosaur

Wow! How long is this Bounder motorhome? My guess is 38 feet, but it looks longer. Could it be 40 feet? I spotted it in a Sacramento RV park while talking my evening walk. The motorhome has no slideouts. Who would want such a motorhome anymore? You wonder why it took so long for RV manufacturers to make slideouts -- so RVs could be wider at the push of a button rather than just longer and longer and longer. Can it be that hard to make a slideout?

Did anybody even think about making a slideout 20 years ago? If not, why not? Nowadays, RV makers don't keep making RVs longer and longer, they just keep adding slideouts. Five slideouts is no big deal. I bet you will see six before long. This Bounder motorhome with no slideouts is a dinosaur. My guess is that a super long motorhome like this with no slideouts worth a pittance. What do you think?


  1. I agree with Mark. Check out the Tiny House Movement. It's about living in smaller houses of higher quality and enjoying the quality of life rather than the quantity.

  2. Another good thing about a coach with no slides is that it is stronger, in the event of an accident that might cause a rollover. Also, since you get used to using your motorhome without slides, you don't feel cramped when you can't or don't have the slide extended. (perhaps such as when you are parking in a WalMart parking lot)
