Saturday, November 21, 2009

Me and an ugly tent trailer a long time ago

This is me camped at Death Valley in the 1950s. I'm the little speck of kid in the middle of the photo, sitting on the step of what appears to be a big tent, but which is actually a primitive tent trailer. My mother is bending over, cooking. Notice her camping attire: a dress! I assume my father took the photo. The trailer was made by J.C. Higgins which I believe was Sears' brand. Looking it brings two words to mind: Mutt Ugly!

I have been back to Death Valley about a dozen times since this photo was taken and plan to go again maybe even this year. Now I camp in a comfy motorhome, which is better than that old tent trailer by about a million light years.


  1. Chuck, you are the all-time King of the Road! This is photographic proof that you were destined to be hitched to a life on the highway....I'm proud to say that I knew you way back when you stopped for gas and freelance stories in Sacramento. Best wishes always.

  2. I can't believe you have been doing this for so long. You are an inspiration! Waunderlust is truly in your blood. I look forward to your newsletter every week.

    ALSO, You're right. You are going into the next phase of your daughter's life. I just read that your daughter is going off to college. I remember my daughter crying to me when she was in college saying, "Dad thinks I don't need him anymore and I do!" He thought he was 'done' and she needed him just as much as she did before leaving the nest---just in different ways. It surprised me but that's the way it was. Congratulations on successfully reaching this milestone! Judy

  3. Think you miss the saying by a couple keys to the left (B). ha ha
