As you get older, you learn things. One thing you learn if that you waste a lot of time. If you are really lucky you learn exactly how you waste time. I, for example, waste time sorting socks. In this picture, you can see socks I have that do not match. The stack gets bigger all the time. I do not know how this is possible. How can I have so many stray socks? Even when I wash a load of laundry with only six pairs of socks, there will be one sock that does not match when they come out.
I have decided I will no longer sort socks. From now on, I will buy and wear only black socks and white socks. I don't know why someone needs gray socks or blue socks or fancy socks. Who ever looks anyway? Do you know what color of socks you are wearing now? How about the person across the room from you?
So I am going all black and white. Future sorting will be easy. I am tired of wasting my time sorting socks. There is more to life.
Frankly, when you think about it, what rule says socks have to match? I bet if you wore one brown sock and one black sock for a month, nobody would notice.
I RECENTLY BOUGHT a pair of brown shoes. There was only one shoe my size on the shelf at the store, so the clerk brought its mate, put them in a box and I brought them home. I wore them for three months. No problem. Then my daughter returned from college for Thanksgiving. A couple of days later she said, "Dad your shoes do not match." Sure enough, one was a lighter brown than the other. I didn't even notice. I don't think anyone else noticed either. My daughter noticed because it is a duty of a daughter, especially one in her teen years, to identify all defects in her parents.
It comes down to this: there is no rule that says sock must match or even that shoes must match. I am surprised with all the fads that come and go that wearing mismatched footwear has not caught on.
I'm done worrying about it and wasting time. I'll wear what I want. Who cares?